Finest Belgian
chocolates by Montserrat
Organic - Vegan - Sugar Free
Since 1986, the family business "Montserrat" is specialized in the production of unique chocolates for maximum enjoyment.
Very great attention is paid to sustainability of products which are all offered in organic quality.
Vegan products also play a major role and help to protect animals and the environment and improve our carbon footprint
through climate-friendly food, the basis for this is rice or also oat milk which allow us to produce the type milk and white.
Sugar-free chocolates or chocolates based on coconut blossom sugar round off the range.
The chocolates are offered in the form of buttons, drops and also chunks.

As an innovative and flexible company, Montserrat will also work with you to develop your own recipe in the quality you desire!

Other possibilities:
Origin chocolates and fruit chocolates.